Our Leadership Team

A welcoming learning environment

Arnolds Creek Primary School invites all students from a diversity of backgrounds to come together in a supportive, accepting and nurturing environment.
We recognise that students have individual strengths and require support in different areas of their learning and wellbeing. The quality of relationships developed and maintained throughout the school community is crucial to our success. The learning and teaching approach will focus on a differentiated approach for all, and the provision of learning experiences which cater for the individual students within each Learning Community.  The curriculum, whilst integrated, and with support from a range of specialist teachers, will have a strong focus on the excellent teaching of literacy and numeracy with programs that help to ensure each child reaches their potential. 

Meet Our Leadership Team

School Principal

Frank Pawlowicz


Assistant Principal

Matthew Finn

Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

Karen Calleja

Assistant Principal

Elisha Squires

Business Manager